Open mobile IS is
an open source project that aims at providing all the necessary tools,
API, and documents which enable effective nomad applications development.
>>More information
February 11st-february 14st 2008
Save time and money !!!
OpenMobileIS will be present on the french pavillon of Barcelona exhibition Mobile World Congress (formelly 3GSM World Congress)
Visit us to discover the power the flexibility and the productivity of our exclusive framework OpenMobileIS.This framework is
fully dedicated to mobile applications development and allows you to create in short time and at low cost powerful mobile apps.
January 15st 2008
The seventh release of the framework
A little late, we have release a new version of Open Mobile IS (R7). This is maintly a maintenance release.
The main evolution is the use of the http client apache version to optimize synchro file download and some bug
corrections. We have done a lot of work on several module that we hope to release soon.
CVS repository is now uptodate with source code.
May 25th 2007
Open Mobile IS is providing the sixth
release of the framework
The Open Mobile IS team is proud to annouce the realease of a new pre release R7 of the project. We didn't reach the finale version because the OSGI module integration is more complicated than expected and we start several other Open Mobile IS extention that didn't allow us to spend much time in the OSGI module. Never the less we have done the terminal part of OSGI. We have to finish the server and the synchronisation part.
There is now a folder call "deploy" in the zip archive that contains the OSGI Open Mobile IS bundle and a new folder named bundle in the MyCRM example that contains the MyCRM bundle
This release adds the following new features :
* adds a progress bar GUI during synchronsation. Do show it add the org.openmobileis.synchro.ui.progressbar=true in
* adds proxy support in synchro connection. adds the following properties in :
org.openmobileis.synchro.proxy.address=<proxy adresse>
org.openmobileis.synchro.proxy.port=<proxy port>
org.openmobileis.synchro.proxy.login=<proxy login>
org.openmobileis.synchro.proxy.realm=<proxy authrealm>
org.openmobileis.synchro.proxy.pass=<proxy pass>
* to support template in jar file, we change de fremarker version. We integrate the 2.3.8 version. The new fremarker jar is freemarker238.jar. Template can now be put inside the application jar.
* better simultaneous synchronisation management
* increase performance of the synchronisation of big file (several Mb).
The incompatibilities with the R5 version are :
* FODB init and getCurrentFODB change. See the SimpleOpenMISInit class. FODB manage must be registered now by calling registerManager(). To get access to FODB use FastObjectDBManager.getManager().getCurrentFODB(). The call is now compatible with all manager’s call.
* Fremarker use new the 2.3.8 version by default. Update your freemarker.jar file with the freemarker238.jar.
Last points : We started severals projects around Open Mobile IS to add better support for PocketPC and Linux PDA, Push synchronisation, P2P synchronisation to facilitate the synchronisation of big file, PIM management.
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May 30h - June 2nd 2007
Ubikis will take part in the 2007 edition of the LinuxTag, the world's biggest event dedicated to free software.
It will be the opportunity for us to demonstrate the power of the openmobileIS framework through a lecture by Phillipe Delrieu, the project leader of the OpenMobileIS project. This lecture, focused on mobile applications development, will take place in Room N°2, July 1st, from 12.00 to 01.00 PM.

- For further information about linuxTag please see :
- For an abstract of the lecture :
Ubikis will be hosted at the the Cetril stand. (location coming soon).
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December 1st 2006
Ubikis will be present at the Mobile Office 2006 Exhibition.
Meet us in Paris at stall B75 and discover the Open Source Open Mobile
Is solution supported by Ubikis.
more information @
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November30th 2006 Last minute news :
The Openmobile Is project
wins the "trophée du libre" of Soisson
(international free sofware contest) in the" firm management" category
Selected among several hundred other projects this award is the acknowledgment
of the qualities of innovation and durability of a project initiated
in 2000.
more information @
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June 28th 2006
See the Open Mobile IS framework in action !
Ubikis will participate at the 2006 edition of RMLL (rencontre mondiale
du logiciel libre) this summer.This event, dedicated to free software,
will be for us the occasion to demonstrate the power of the openmobileIS
Phillipe Delrieu, project leader will develop an simple application
during his conference time (July 5th at 9.50 a.m).
This application will show the main components and how they are used.
for more information, please visit the official site:
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April 04th 2006
Open Mobile IS framework third release.
This release adds:
-A Profil management on the terminal side .
-An application example to show how to develop a real application with
the framework.
-some minor bug fixe.
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January 28th 2006
Open Mobile IS is nominated for the ObjectWeb 2006 Awards.
The open source framework Open Mobile IS is one of the3 nominated projects
in the category :
"SV & Integration: commercial offering or development embedding
some ObjectWeb components"
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January 28th 2006
Don't miss us at ObjectWeb 2006 conference
Philippe Delrieu, technical leader of the OpenMobileIS project will
make a presentation of the framework. Meet him at the podium talk,Tuesday
January 31st, room Andrews 1 from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. You can
the presentation here.
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December 15th 2005
OpenMobile IS R2 Second
release of the OpenMobile
IS framework.
It adds synchronisation and server side components.
>>More information
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October 06th 2005
OpenMobile IS R1 First
release of the OpenMobile
IS framework.
iI provides basic embedded components.
>>More information