Presentation |
Open mobile IS is an open
source project (GNU LGPL license) that aims to provide all the necessary
tools, API and documents enabling effective nomad applications development.
Heart of the project, the java framework is divided into components
providing all the needed functionalities.
History |
Since 5 years, Ubikis is building a new technology dedicated to Mobile
applications development. Its framework offers customers the immediate
benefit of providing a complete range of tools and libraries making
development, deployment and managment of mobile applications far easier
and robust.
At the beginning of the 2005 year, and in order to share and promote
the use of its technology, Ubikis chose the open source way and joined
the Objectweb consortium. ObjectWeb is an open-source
software community created at the end of 1999 by Bull, France Telecom
R&D and INRIA in the purpose of developing open-source distributed
Main benefits |
Why OpenMobile IS is the best solution for the development
of mobile application for a company?
Beside the open source benefite, the main reasons are :
OpenMobile IS is a complete and
fully dedicated solution to nomad application development. One
can find many products, but each solves only one aspect of this
type of application development. Creating a complete application
that way means that you will have to integrate many of these
products, regardless compatibility or architecture consideration.
From this point of view OpenMobile IS goal is to provide a framework
offering all the needed components and will guarantee your application
to be perfectly functional and ensure end users an amazing mobile
- The framework contains codes and components but not only.
Our purpose is to propose patterns and best use cases reflecting
our experience in enterprise mobile application. Developing mobile
application is not only a matter of code, it's a business. OpenMobile
IS helps you in avoiding main trap or error in this process.
- OpenMobile IS is not a new project. It's the integration of
the Ubikis
knowledges and technologies inside an open source project. Several
customer applications are already in production since years.
- OpenMobile IS is open source so you can participate in its developement
to ensure that it will fit to your needs.
Only open source can garanty that you'll keep the benefits of
your investment.
Road Map |
The port of Ubikis
technologies will continue until the begining of 2006 when the complete
framework will be released.
The version 1.0 will be delivered in
Further releases will add the following
improvements and functionalities :
Using the framework |
This first realease is fully functional so you can begin to
develop with it.
To help you we provide :
Flash demonstration of real applications developped with the
framework showing what can be
done with it can be viewed here.
(click on the demo button in order to see the flash movie
of the product).
nb : The demo, aCRM application dedicated to the pharmaceutical
industry, is in french language.